Media Paper 1 mock exam - Learner response

1) Type up any feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).
Nasra, superb overall attempt here! section A was nearly flawless- your approach to these questions really answered the focus of the questions. Your knowledge understanding demonstrates how prepared you here for this mock!

Now read through the genuine AQA mark scheme. This is vital as the paper was an official exam paper and therefore the mark scheme tells us a lot about what AQA are expecting us to produce.

2) Write a question-by-question analysis of your performance. For each question, write how many marks you got from the number available and identify any points that you missed by carefully studying the AQA indicative content in the mark scheme:

Additional points: this advertisement makes heavy use of what Neale describes as ‘instances of repetition’, where familiar tropes and imagery are used to engage with audience expectations around media products.

Q2: 12/12

Q3: 8/9
Additional points: the young men in the car appear to be from a mix of ethnic backgrounds (refencing the idea of ‘Two-Tone’ music culture), which at the time would have been a rather progressive representation of youth; sending a positive, anti-racist message to its young audience

Additional points: the man provides a focus for a number of oppositions: male-female,
masculine-feminine, clothed-unclothed, dominant-dependent, top-bottom.

Q5.1: 3/3


Additional points: This is an obvious attempt at minimising risk in order to maximise profit (Hesmondhalgh)

Additional points: the War of the Worlds as both a genre piece and a novel adaptation is a very different kind of product: more of a ‘one off’! - when discussing success of both radios

3) Look at Question 4 - a 20-mark essay evaluating Levi-Strauss's binary opposition theory. Write an essay plan for this question using the indicative content in the mark scheme and with enough content to meet the criteria for Level 4 (top level). This will be somewhere between 3-4 well-developed paragraphs plus an introduction answering the question planned in some detail.
  • Intro - answer question to an extent
  • Para1- Sephora oppositions and add a theory
  • Para 2 - Score examples of oppositions while adding historical and cultural content
  • Para 3 - Sephora examples of myths created add another theory
  • Conclusion

4) Based on the whole of your Paper 1 learner response, plan FIVE topics / concepts / CSPs / theories that you will prioritise in your summer exam Media revision timetable.
  • Theories- Jenkins and Todorov 
  • I will try add minimum 2 theories in each questions.


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