October blog feedback and learner response


WWW: I enjoyed your first blog task - I like your reasoning for choosing the study Media Studies and hopefully with this A-Level you can fulfil your aspirations of working with the film industry. Also, fantastic to see you are aiming for an A in the subject - a lot of hard work and dedication required to ensure you meet this grade.
EBI: Try and develop your exposure to other forms of media such as Newspapers, to ensure you are exposed to a variety of newsworthy content. I admire your honesty that you do not engage with newspapers, especially with content relating to the government. With this reflection, try and find news content that is accessible so that you are aware of issues affecting politics.
LR: Complete the reflection questions below:
Reflect on your work in A Level Media so far:
What is your strongest piece of work? 
reception theory- analysing adverts

What is your weakest? 
Narrative work

What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?I want to be able to have a better understanding on media theorists and apply that in my exams and discussions


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