The Voice CSP: case study
Homepage Go to the Voice homepage and answer the following: 1) What news website key conventions can you find on the Voice homepage? The subscribe button, the top handle with all the subjects and the headlines on each article 2) What are some of the items in the top menu bar and what does this tell you about the content, values and ideologies of the Voice? News- this shows the Voice report on issues regarding balck communities Lifestyle- represents black culture and celebrated black identity Entertainment- covers film, music and television etc.. celbrating black talent and pitting a spotlight on black voices in these industries 3) Look at the news stories on the Voice homepage. Pick two stories and explain why they might appeal to the Voice's target audience. The record stores that shaped Black music in Britain- highlighting black influence in music industry ‘A leader, mentor, and friend’: what Lord Herman Ouseley meant to me- keeing audi...