MIGRAIN: Reading an image
1) Analyse this RBK 50 Cent advert using the media codes you learned in the lesson: Technical, Written or verbal, Symbolic or non-verbal, Narrative. Write a paragraph for each one exploring the way meanings are created using those media codes . The slogan "I am what I am" suggests 50 cent is unapologetically himself. The colour scheme of black and white could represent a flashback and his past. This is further proven with the anchorage text as the letter "o" being coloured in to illustrate bullets as 50 cent has been shot and suffered from gun violence. 50 cent has a serious facial expression and is looking at the camera to address his audience face to face. This could also show vulnerability as he is finally facing his demons and facing his past that haunts him. He is wearing a camo hat and a vest that also looks like a bullet proof vest. 50 cent could be trying to show us he is ready and prepared and wears his bullet proof vest as protection . His cha...
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