MIGRAIN: Final index
MIGRAIN Final index Keeping an index of all your work is extremely good practice from a revision perspective. Not only does this keep the concepts and media terminology fresh in your mind but it will also highlight if you've missed anything. Your final index should include the following: 1) Introduction to Media: 10 questions 2) Semiotics blog tasks 3) Language: Reading an image - media codes 4) Media consumption audit 5) Reception theory - advert analyses 6) Genre: Factsheets and genre study questions 7) Narrative: Factsheet questions 8) Audience: classification - psychographics presentation notes 9) October assessment learner response 10) Audience theory 1 - Hypodermic needle/Two-step flow/U&G 11) Audience theory 2 - The effects debate - Bandura, Cohen 12) Industries: Ownership and Control 13) Industries: Hesmondhalgh - The Cultural Industries 14) Industries: Public Se...