
Showing posts from June, 2024

Magazines: GQ - Audience & Industry

  Audience Look through  the GQ Media Kit  and answer the following questions:  1) How does the media kit introduction describe GQ? As the flagship of men’s fashion and style in Britain, to be GQ is to be forward-looking, progressive and cutting-edge. 2) What does the media kit suggest about masculinity?  As masculinity evolves and men's fashion has moved to the centre of the global pop-culture conversation, GQ's authority has never been broader or stronger. 3) Pick out  three  statistics from the data on page 2 and explain what they suggest about the GQ audience. £7.7K AVERAGE ANNUAL SPEND ON FASHION - consumers care a lot about fashion and prioritise. 61% ABC1 - upper class, upper middle class with a lot of disposable income. £138K AVERAGE ANNUAL INCOME - High earning consumers 4) Look at page 3 - brand highlights. What special editions do GQ run and what do these suggest about the GQ audience? GQ HYPE,  MEN OF THE YEAR,  TENTPOLE VIDEO AND SOCIAL SERIES- GQ audiences are int